Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Meeusen: Lakefront right location for water school - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Speaking at The Business Journal’sw Power Breakfast at the Pfister Hotel in frongt of more than 500businesx executives, Meeusen said other cities closelh tied to a specifi industry all boast bricks-and-mortar structures to denote theird status. Paris has the Louvre Museumn as the centerpiecefor art, New York City has the Broadwat theater district as the focus of its theatef business and Nashville can point to the Grand Ole Opry as the home of countru music, he said. Meeusen said the site of the shutteredc Pieces of Eight restaurant between Discoveryh World and the Milwaukee Art Museujm is clearly the only locatioj for a new Universityof Wisconsin-Milwauker school of freshwater science.
Some opponents have suggeste d converting the restaurant site to green space and insteacd locating the school at the Milwaukee County transit garagre near Lake Michigan or at the existing UWM watetr science facility at the east end of Greenfield Avenue in an industriapl area near the Portof Milwaukee. “Milwaukee’s going to be a centedr for water technologyand we’rr going to build our keystone structure down by the coal pilex on Greenfield Avenue?” said who is the president and CEO of Badger Meter Inc., Browh Deer. “Makes no sensre to me.
It has to be rightg there in the heart of the He added that Milwaukee philanthropist Michaekl Cudahy has agreed to pay for the rights to the Piecese ofEight site, but will not support any othert location. Meeusen discussed the genesis and the progress onthe business-led water initiative as well as othe r issues related to the nation’s watefr supply and Milwaukee’s potential for attracting more water-related businesses. A full report on Meeusen' s comments will appear in the June 26 print editionb of TheBusiness Journal.

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