Saturday, September 22, 2012

SMUD considers rate increase - Sacramento Business Journal:
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. June 4 in the SMUD 6201 S St. SMUD generalp manager and chief executive officer John DiStasiko is recommending the board adopt one of two rateincreasde options. The first option would be to begin witha 9.5 percengt increase on Sept. 1, followed by a 3.5 percentf increase in January 2011. The second involves a three-step approach. SMUD wouldc increase rates by 5.5 percent after 1, 5.5 percent in March 2010 and 2.25 percenr in January 2011. The second option is basec on feedback the uility districrt has received fromits customer-owners during communit meetings and workshops.
Unded that scenario, the average residential bill for SMUD customers woulx go upby $5 in September, less than $5 in Marcgh 2010, and less than $2 in 2011. The impactt on customers who qualifhfor SMUD’s low-income rate would be less per bill, or abourt $2 in September, less than $3 in Marcyh 2010 and about $1 in 2011.

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