Sunday, December 9, 2012

Brinker's death won't end lawsuit with business partner - Dallas Business Journal:
Attorney Larry Friedman, who represents Brinker and his Toni, in the lawsuit against commercial property managetr Ralph Isenberg and hisvarioux interests, said issues raised in the suit remain The lawsuit Friedman filedd on behalf of Brinker allegea that Isenberg, the general partner in 15 limitedf partnerships in which Brinker, Isenberg and otherws held ownership interests, mismanaged the operationsd of the partnerships, then refused to releaswe documents about them. “The issur in the lawsuit remains the Friedman said.
“The general partner has the duty to open the bookss and records to each andevert partner, and it becomes more apparengt as each day goes by that, without this general partner has something to hide.” Isenberg claimed in a suit of his own that Brinkefr suffered short-term memory making him incapable of conducting his own businessz and legal affairs or naming others to act in his Isenberg also said that Brinker, his wife, Toni and others Norman Brinker appointed to act on his behalf made undulyh burdensome demands for records. Isenberg, contactee Tuesday, said it’s too soon to discusz the possible implicationsof Brinker’s deatyh on the lawsuit or the partnerships.
“It’s inappropriatde given that everybody involved in this matter needa an opportunityto mourn,” Isenberg said. The partnerships at issuwe in the lawsuits do not involveBrinkef restaurants, but include North Texads properties such as the Bank Tower at Oak Clifr at 400 S. Zang Blvd. and smaller shopping centersa andoffice buildings, mostly in South Dallas. The partnershipxs hold real estate assets worthabout $70 according to court documents.

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