Friday, December 7, 2012

Nixon, Quinn push Biden, LaHood for high-speed rail - Kansas City Business Journal:
In April, Nixon and Quinn, along with six othe r Midwestern governors, to LaHood asking him to supporgt plans for rail corridors between cities intheire states, including St. Louis to Chicago and St. Louisw to Kansas City. Illinois has completefd an environmental impact statement forthe Chicago-St. Louid corridor. “Missouri and our partner stateas in the already have a competitive advantage because we have been workinf on this rail initiativde for more than a Nixon said in a statemeny afterthe roundtable.
“I reiterater our strong position to Vice President Bideb today while we discussed the viability of high speed rail The White House and the have said they woulxd from the American Recovery andReinvestmentr Act, and $1 billiohn a year for five years as a down paymen to develop a passenger rail The other governors at the meetinhg were Jim Doyle of Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Deval Patrickl of Massachusetts, Sonny Perdue of Georgia and Ed Rendelpl of Pennsylvania.

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