Friday, August 31, 2012

Facebook leads social networking space as Twitter growth skyrockets - Denver Business Journal:
According to the new Facebook userslogged 13.9 billion minutes on the site in making it the most popula r social networking site on the Web. was the secondx most popular social networking site with about 5 billiomn minutes spent loggedin April. Twitter loggede roughly 300 million minutes, and LinkedIn about 202 According to the Nielsen study, total minutes spent on social networkingv sites has increased 83 percent Twitter had far-and-away the fastest growth over the past year -- with aboutr 37-times more minutes spent on the site in April compared to April of last year. Faceboomk also posted rapid witha seven-fold increase over last year.
“We have seen some majot growth in Facebook during thepast year, and a subsequenf decline in MySpace. Twitter has come on the scen e in an explosive way perhaps changing the outlook for theentired space,” said Jon Nielsen vice president, online media and agency “The one thing that is clear about social networking is that regardless of how fast a site is growinbg or how big it is, it can quickl fall out of favor with consumers.” While Facebook has becomed the top dog in the social networking MySpace is the leader in online video. With 121 milliom video streams, was the No.
1 social networkingb destination when ranked by streams and totak minutes spentviewing video. MySpace visitors speny 384 million minutes viewing video on the with an averageof 38.8 minutes per viewer. In Facebook visitors spent only 114 million minutes viewing videloin April, with an average of 11.2 minutes per video viewer. The Nielsen Co. is a global information and media company specializing in consumer television and othermedia

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