Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tribune, WFLA cut another 25 positions - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

“This is unfortunately the same song in thesixthn verse,” said Janet Coats, executive editor of the publishingh group, in a story published on the company’s The publishing group is owned by in Richmond, Va. The cuts affecyt 17 positions at the Tribune and six from WFLA along with two open according tothe report. This most recent rounc follows the elimination of 65 positions Marcnh 30 and the increasee of mandatory unpaid leave days from 10to 13. There’sx some sunlight peering throughthe clouds, however. The media groupl locally is gaining share in the localadvertisingt market, Coats said, which could help brinyg revenues back up.
Media General MEG) reported a loss of $21.3 million, or 96 cent s per share, in the most recent quarter endedfMarch 29, compared to a $20.3 or 92 cents per share, loss the year Revenue was $159.5 million for the quarter, down from the $194.t5 million posted the year before. Mediz General shares were tradingat $3.27 just before noon up nearly 1 percent from the day beforre and more than $2 over their 52-week low. Sharex had traded as high as $27.
18 over the past

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