Thursday, November 1, 2012

Academic Team honoree: Brad Hahn - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: National Merit Scholarship finalist. SAT score of Perfect score on fourRegents exams. RPI Rensselaert Medal for Math and President of National Honor Managing editor ofschool newspaper. Full Bradley Geron Hahn. Born: May 23, Buffalo. Parents: Katherine Hahn, Paul Residence: Williamsville. Favorite class: European history (taught by Eric Dobies). “II look forward to it everyday. We go into serious discussions ofcritical issues, but it is never College and likely major: , political Hope to be doing 10 yearzs from now: “It is my intention to be livingb in Buffalo, working to improve the city as a communityy leader of some form.
If I am truly fortunate, I will also be startinb a family.” If could meet anyone from Alexander Hamilton. “A chance to meet him would be extraordinary. However, I’ll have to be contentf with seeing himon $10 If could have dinner with anyone now David Souter. “His steadfast intelligence and logical reasoning are an inspirationto me. I woulc be pleased beyond measure to be able to meet with to proceed to the next FirsttTeam honoree: Katherine Konvinse.

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